San Diego Military Outreach Ministry’s Easter Egg Hunt

Military Outreach Ministry’s Easter Egg Hunt – March 5, 2016 It is this time of year when we have the Easter Egg Hunt for Military Families!  We will be needing plastic eggs and wrapped candies.  Please bring your donation to the church office during office hours or to the narthex on Sundays before March 4. Continue reading “San Diego Military Outreach Ministry’s Easter Egg Hunt”

Trunk or Treat!

When:  Saturday, October 25th    5:00-7:00pm Where: Church parking lot FREE!! There will be decorated cars where kids can trick-or-treat, a cake walk, face painting, and other fun activities.  There will also be food…hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, watermelon, desserts, and fresh popcorn!  All free! Come dressed up in friendly costumes! Fun for all ages! This eventContinue reading “Trunk or Treat!”